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Leader's Message: September 2024

14 Jun 24

Summer, if that is what it was, is over and I hope as many of you as possible were able to get away (and actually find some sunshine), have a break and recharge.

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Leader's Message: International Women's Day

14 Mar 24

One of the themes of International Women’s Day is the acceleration of progress by investing in women.

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Leader's Christmas Message

22 Dec 23

The thing about the Bar is that we are capable, when we pull together in the right direction, of great things. Not just for us but the wider community… Unity isn’t just strength but also kindness.

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Leader's Message: International Women's Day Embracing Equity

08 Mar 23

Today marks International Women’s Day. A day which we all must recognise and embrace, as the theme for the day implores.

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LEADER BULLETIN 13th August 2021

13 Aug 21

Dear Fellow Circuiteer,

This has been a sad week for the North Eastern Circuit with the death of two well-loved members Matthew Collins and Lorna Cole. You will all have read the heartfelt tribute paid to Matthew that was circulated earlier in the week, and it is right that I now say a little more about Lorna.

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LEADER - BULLETIN 1st July 2021

01 Jul 21

Dear Fellow Circuiteer,

It’s all downhill from here!

That is not a reference to the fact that it is my birthday (my true age is as you know shrouded in mystery) but to the fact that today marks the half way point of my leadership of the North Eastern Circuit – the finest Circuit.

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LEADER_Blitz Courts & Leeds CCC Listing Practice Note 13 May 2021

14 May 21

Dear Fellow Circuiteer,

Attached to this message is a listing note issued by the Recorder of Leeds today. It concerns a new listing initiative at Leeds that might conveniently be described as ‘blitz’ courts. All of you who work in Leeds regularly should take some time to read it.

These two courts will commence sitting on 14th June and are aimed at tackling the backlog of short bail cases that are awaiting trial. The Courts will be heavily listed and will provide an excellent opportunity to get these cases on for trial much sooner that might otherwise have been the case. As is clear from the note this initiative will not apply to custody cases, or Class 1 or 2 cases.

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LEADER - Bulletin 19th Feb 2021

19 Feb 21

Dear Fellow Circuiteer,

I am sorry to have to begin this message by pausing to remember His Honour Simon Hawkesworth QC who passed away this week. He was a lifelong member of the North Eastern Circuit and a former Circuit Officer who is fondly remembered across the entire Circuit. Our thoughts are with his family and friends and the Circuit Office will keep you updated about any arrangements for a Eulogy in due course.

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LEADER - Bulletin 8 Jan 2021

08 Jan 21

Dear Fellow Circuiteer,

Nobody said that this was going to be easy…………..

We were all no doubt relieved to see the back of 2020, but are now starting 2021 with another national lockdown and the rates of COVID higher than they were last April. There can be no doubt that very difficult weeks and month lie ahead of us personally and as a Circuit.

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LEADER - Bulletin 4 Dec 2019

04 Dec 20

Dear Fellow Circuiteer,

We are nearly at the end of what has been a long and generally pretty miserable year. The vaccine is on the horizon and we can hope with growing confidence that at some point in the spring or summer of next year all of this will be behind us.

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NEC Extended Operating Hours Survey Report 24 July 2020

24 Jul 20

The North Eastern Circuit Women's Forum (NECWF) has conducted a survey amongst ALL members of Circuit on the proposed Extended Operating Hours. 678 members of Circuit responded. The report is published here and makes very interesting reading ....

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LEADER - Bulletin 22nd July 2020

22 Jul 20

Dear Fellow Circuiteers,

Whilst I am sure that we all remain frustrated at the slow pace of the ‘recovery’, it is also right that we should acknowledge some of the positive steps forward that the Circuit has taken in the last week .....

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10 Jul 20

Dear Fellow Circuiteer,

It has been a couple of weeks since I was last in touch with you all. I would like to be writing to you now to celebrate how much progress we have made in the intervening period. Regrettably the pace of change is slow and we are still taking the tiniest steps towards recovering capacity in the Courts in all jurisdictions.

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Leader Bulletin - Update on Courts Opening 10th June 2020

10 Jun 20

Dear Fellow Circuiteer,

This update focuses on one issue only – the resumption of work in Courts across the Circuit.

Over recent weeks I have tried to keep you all updated on plans to re-open buildings and resume in person hearings. As soon as I have been able to tell you about the plans of HMCTS on Circuit I have shared the information with you.

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Leader Bulletin 5th June 2020

05 Jun 20

Dear Fellow Circuiteer,

Another two weeks have passed since my last message and whilst the rate of change may be slow, we are continuing to edge gradually in the right direction as we see further baby steps being taken towards the volume of cases being heard in all jurisdictions being increased.

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Leader Bulletin May 22nd 2020

22 May 20

IMPORTANT: Leader's Bulletin & Updated Protocols and Important Documents 22nd May 2020

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HMCTS Remote Hearings Platform CVP Instructions, Connecting to Court & Prison

24 Apr 20

As many of you will already know HMCTS have accelerated the launch of a new remote court hearing platform – the Cloud Video Platform (CVP).

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Important Bulletin

21 Apr 20

I was delighted to see over 100 of you at the first ever Virtual Grand Court of the North Eastern Circuit held by the medium of Zoom on Thursday evening. Oddly enough we weren’t hacked by the Russians and did not face any grave threat to our security – and it worked a lot better than Skype for Business has ever worked!

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LEADER - CRIME UPDATE Listing Protocols NE Circuit

08 Apr 20

Dear all, Please find attached:

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LEADER'S BULLETIN: Civil Update - Listing Protocols NE Circuit

07 Apr 20

Please see attached - Leader's Civil Update, Listing Protocols, BT Meet Me update and Boxwork

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NEC Leader bulletin & virtual mess events

06 Apr 20

As the second working week of lockdown draws to a close I suspect that we are all getting used to a very different way of life and familiarising ourselves with a new normality that seems anything but normal.

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Skype for business - user instructions

03 Apr 20

Please click here for a guide to Skype hearings prepared by our Technology team - I can assure you that a complete incompetent can follow it (because I managed to).

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NEC LEADER - Bulletin Update

02 Apr 20

Dear Fellow Circuiteer, This short update focuses on three very important subjects - wellbeing, technology and money.

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NEC Leader - Circuit helplines & support

31 Mar 20

Just to remind you of the Help Lines & support that Circuit is providing at the moment. Grateful thanks to those who have kindly agreed to provide this service...

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NEC Leader Bulletin

27 Mar 20

Suspended Courts - You will all be catching up with the news that many Courts and Tribunal Centres on our Circuit are either suspended or no longer open to the public. Click here for a link to an excel spreadsheet that sets out the position on our Circuit.

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NEC LEADER: Update Bulletin

27 Mar 20

Dear all, Please see attached:
NEC Leader's Update Bulletin, Wellbeing Bulletin - Wendy Showell Circuit Scheme contact details, Wellbeing - Face Covid-19, Dr Russ Harris, NEC Listing Protocol

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NEC Leader Bulletin

27 Mar 20

You will all be catching up with the news that many Courts and Tribunal Centres on our Circuit are either suspended or no longer open to the public.

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Finance notes for individuals and chambers

26 Mar 20

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NEC LEADER: Update Bulletin

23 Mar 20

I am sure that for most of you the last week has felt like the longest of your life. The uncertainty generated by fast moving events that are beyond our control is unsettling and unnerving.

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NEC LEADER: CACD note from Lord Justice Fulford

23 Mar 20

The Vice-President of the CACD has provided the following guidance for hearings in the CACD during the period whilst there are variations in the way appeals and applications are conducted.

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NEC LEADER: Hygiene Bulletin

20 Mar 20

We all want - and I dare say need - to keep working. Not just to pay the bills but to do our part at this time of national crisis.

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NEC LEADER: The Weekend

20 Mar 20

This has been the longest week of all of our lives I am sure. I had an excellent meeting today with our presiders and resident Judges and I am certain of three things. First, there will be a Circuit wide approach to managing work in the coming weeks. Second, we have the support of our Judges on Circuit. Third we are always stronger working together.

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19 Mar 20

Please see attached from the Circuit Leaders.

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16 Mar 20

Please see attached. Coronavirus Update from Richard Wright QC, Leader of the North Eastern Circuit, Note from the Senior Presider

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Silks 2014

21 Feb 14

Many Congratulations to................................

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Graduated Fee Sample Case 1 Sept 2013

20 Feb 14

Graduated Fee Sample Case 1 Sept 2013

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World Bar Conference 2014

17 Feb 14

World Bar Conference 2014

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Nicholas Lavender QC visit to Circuit

11 Feb 14

Nicholas Lavender QC visit to Circuit

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Pupils' Advocacy 2014

04 Feb 14

This years Mooters for the Louise Godfrey QC Memorial Moot are......................

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Sarah Greenan - Mastermind

04 Feb 14

Sarah Greenan Zenith Chambers
Mastermind Friday 31 January 2014

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One Bar: One Voice

31 Jan 14

One Bar: One Voice

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West Yorkshire version of the National Protocol on Disclosure re Children in both Family and Criminal cases.

29 Jan 14

West Yorkshire version of the National Protocol on Disclosure re Children in both Family and Criminal cases.

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Press Release from the BSB regarding CPD

07 Jan 14

Reminder: Barristers no longer have to return CPD cards to the BSB

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Justice in Jeopardy' from cuts to Legal Aid, says Barristers

07 Jan 14

Justice in Jeopardy' from Cuts to Legal Aid, say barristers

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The Governments Proposal for Criminal Legal Aid

06 Jan 14

The Governments Proposal for Criminal Legal Aid - The North Eastern Circuit Press Release

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Lord Alex Carlisle QC has obtained a debate in the House of Lords seeking annulment of the SI enacting the changes to VHCC funding.

03 Dec 13

Lord Alex Carlisle QC has obtained a debate in the House of Lords seeking annulment of the SI enacting the changes to VHCC funding.

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Personal Injury Awards 2013

27 Nov 13

Personal Injury Awards 2013

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Successful Forensic Seminar

21 Nov 13

Successful Forensic Seminar

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The Government's attack on barristers is a looming disaster

19 Nov 13

The Government's attack on barristers is a looming disaster

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Professor David Ormerod QC

13 Nov 13

Professor David Ormerod QC

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North Eastern Circuit Response to ‘Next Steps’ Consultation

08 Nov 13

North Eastern Circuit Response to ‘Next Steps’ Consultation

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Prof David Ormerod QC

08 Oct 13

Prof David Ormerod QC Hand-outs

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Yorkshire Lawyer Awards 2013

03 Oct 13

Congratulations to KBW Chambers

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Louise Godfrey QC Memorial Moot

02 Oct 13

Louise Godfrey QC Memorial Moot 2013 winner is Laura Nagel Trinity Chambers in Newcastle.

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Elliot Kay is the highest achieving BPTC student this year

27 Sep 13

Elliot Kay is the highest achieving BPTC student this year with a hugely impressive 85.64%. He was awarded a much deserved Outstanding.

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ATC training film on child and vulnerable witnesses,

27 Sep 13

ATC training film on child and vulnerable witnesses

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Legal Aid Consultation

27 Sep 13

Bar Council Responds to New Legal Aid Consultation.

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RASSO Handouts

23 Sep 13

RASSO Hand outs

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Lowering the Bar

27 Aug 13

Lowering the Bar - Sunday Telegraph 18.08.13

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Parliamentary Update

23 Jul 13

This is the last Parliamentary Update on Legal Aid and the Consultation due to the Summer Recess.

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International Relations Commitee

17 Jul 13

John Harrison St Pauls Chambers Leeds has currently been nominated as Circuits’ representative for the International Relations Committee of the Bar Council of England and Wales.

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QC makes the case for working mums at the top of legal profession

04 Jul 13

QC makes the case for working mums at top of legal profession

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Grayling Jumps to Defence of Legal Aid Plan

04 Jul 13

Grayling Jumps to Defence of Legal Aid Plan

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Recorder of Sheffield CCC

03 Jul 13

Recorder of Sheffield CCC

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Dispute resolution developments in the Middle East

03 Jul 13

Dispute resolution developments in the Middle East

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Goverment Concession on Choice

02 Jul 13

Transforming Legal Aid

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Media News

28 Jun 13

Bar Council media update

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Hate Crime

28 Jun 13

The Publication of the Law Commission’s Consultation Paper No 213, Hate Crime: the Case for Extending the Existing Offences.

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New Circuit Members

28 Jun 13

Circuit welcomes are newest members Phillip Morgan Dere Street Barristers and Niall Carlin Broadway House Chambers.

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MPs' Contact Emails

28 Jun 13

PCT please do contact your MP there is still time.

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Grand Court

12 Jun 13

We are delighted that Professor David Ormerod QC will be joining us at Grand Court please do make every effort to attend.

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Your Bank Account

07 Jun 13

New BACS system up and running. Apologies for the debits which will be shown as NEC Subs.

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Bradford CCC Papers

31 May 13

Bradford CCC

Important papers from the Recorder of Bradford

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Jackson Reforms Lecture - 29 April 2013

29 May 13

Jackson Reforms Hand-outs

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New Practitioners Ethics Course

23 May 13

New Practitioners Ethics Course

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New Practitioners Advocacy Training

23 May 13

New Practitioners Advocacy Training

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The Jackson Reforms

23 May 13

The Jackson Reforms Seminar at BPP Law School in Leeds

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Non Accidental Head Injury in Children

23 May 13

Lecture Notes from Robert Smith QC

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Court of Protetection Practitioners Association

21 May 13

Best Interest Assessment - A Practitioners Perspective

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Mental Health Tribunals Seminar

17 May 13

Mental Health Tribunals Seminar - Handout

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Interviewing Skills

10 May 13

Interviewing Skills Seminar Newcastle 6 June 2013

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Pupil Supervisors' Training

10 May 13

Only Pupil Supervisors' Course this year is on 18th May.Everyone who might want or be asked to be a Pupil Supervisor must have done a course.

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Planning for the Implementation of the Family Court

09 May 13

His Honour Judge Michael Taylor is holding a meeting to outline the planning for the implementation of the Family Court in April 2014 including transitional arrangements for the operation of the Public law Outline effective from the 1st July.

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Discussion Forum

08 May 13

Please do make your views known, and start a discussion, on all the reforms as well as PCT.

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MoJ Consultation Event

08 May 13

MoJ Consultation Event - Wednesday 8 May

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Romany Cricket Club

08 May 13

Romany Cricket Club is a long-established cricket club. We play friendlies every week during the season mainly in and around North Yorkshire.

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It's the end of the legal system as we know it

03 May 13

It's the end of the legal system as we know it – Telegraph Blogs

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High Street solicitors could be forced to close by Government legal aid changes

03 May 13

High Street solicitors could be forced to close by Government legal aid changes

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Leeds Half Marathon 2013

03 May 13

Sovereign Chambers are running the Leeds Half Marathon

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Save UK Justice

02 May 13

Make sure you and friends sign this petition

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New North Eastern Circuit website goes live

30 Apr 13

The new North Eastern Circuit website has gone live, providing useful resources for all Members of Circuit

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