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Who's Who

Bar Council Representatives

Who's Who

Bar Council Representatives

Bar Council

The Bar Council represents barristers in England and Wales and promotes the Bar’s high quality services, standards of ethics and fair justice for all and  meets approximately seven times a year.

There are about 115 barrister members of the Bar Council including the Attorney General, Solicitor General and the Director of Public Prosecutions who are ex officio members. 

Each Circuit is represented by their Leader and barristers appointed by Circuit.  The North Eastern Circuit also has three members who were elected through the national competition for membership.

Much of the Bar Council’s work is co-ordinated and carried out by individual committees and boards made up of both members of the Bar Council and co-opted individuals.


Nicholas Johnson QC

International Committee & Silk

Email Nicholas


Gordon Stables


Email Gordon


Nicholas Worsley

Elected Member

Email Nicholas